Saturday, September 3, 2011

house pictures!

view from my window of the garden

my room

my desk

view from my window of the rest of the garden

Sammy the rabbit!!

Sammy's home


where we sometimes eat breakfast in the garden, you can also see a bike parked in front of the "bike shed"

living room

the kitchen

front garden

entrance to the house, and off to the side you can see Andrea's Bowen Physical therapy practice room


  1. Anna! Your house/room looks so so cute and the weather looks really nice too...nicer than I had imagined. Plus I'm super jealous that you have a bunny. I want one! Miss you and hope you're having fun!

  2. thankss catherine!! Yeah the weather is pretty strange here, but sometimes it can be really nice!!

  3. Thanks for showing us your house -- love being able to see where you are. I gave Ms. Clark Evans your blog address too. She has a blog homework assignment for each week where her students have to comment on each others' school blogs, and she said your blog can count too -- yay! I hope you find lots of your classmates here now!

  4. Thanks Mrs. nobles! Yes, so far a couple of kids have commented on my blog, so it's nice theyre looking at it!
